Travel Medicine

For over 30 years, Travel Medicine has been a part of R&B Medical Group. We have even organized medical treks over the years. The Travelers Health & Immunization Center (THIC) was established to provide travelers with the tools they need to help them enjoy healthy, safe, and exciting  journeys to locations all over the world. At THIC, we provide travelers with comprehensive pre-travel counseling and travel related vaccines.

We also provide vaccinations for adults as they are required for work and school.

We do provide travel related vaccines for children, with consent of a parent or guardian. We do not provide routine childhood immunizations.

The Travelers Health & Immunization Center is a certified Yellow Fever vaccine provider. Our staff are members of the International Society of Travel Medicine and GeoSentinel.


During your appointment at Travelers Health & Immunization Center, you will consult with our Travel Health nurse, who has a Certificate in Travel Health, granted by The International Society of Travel Medicine. This will help to determine your travel related risks specific to your itinerary. This may include information regarding vaccinations and medications, as well as pre-travel counseling. Our travel health nurse works under the supervision of our Physicians, who also hold a Certificate in Travel Health. Our physicians are available for direct consultation as well.

Travelers Health & Immunization Center Services

At Travelers Health & Immunization Center, we provide our patients with high quality care personalized to their unique needs.

Travel-Related Vaccinations

Vaccination needs are determined following a consultation. These vaccines may be routine, recommended, or required depending on your specific travel plans.

Work and School Related Vaccinations

Travelers Health & Immunization Center also provides vaccinations such as Hepatitis B, Meningococcal Meningitis, TDaP, and MMR that may be necessary for school or employment.